Berkeley Nucleonics Corp.

Berkeley Nucleonics Corp.
Manufacture of Digital Delay Pulse Generator

Friday, November 20, 2009

SAM 940 Improves Radiation Detection at Large Events

Berkeley Nucleonics SAM 940 Radionuclide Isotope Identifier has a wide range of applications , users, and features that facilitate a fast nuclear isotope identification and confirmation of medical radiation treatments.

Large public events (Baseball World Series, NFL Superbowl, etc) have hundreds of spectators that trigger radiation detectors of all sorts. The radiation therapy used in today's medical treatments will alarm radiation sensors from over 100 feet away. However, with the company's isotope identifier, a lanthanum bromide based isotope analysis tool, users can quickly confirm medical isotopes. Confirmation may or may not be discussed with the individual, but a fast tool for assessing radiation causes is paramount to a smooth event.

While the most common forms of radiation found at public events are classified as medical grade isotopes, the SAM 940 has the ability to do more. It can detect, identify, and classify medical isotopes such as Technicium 99, industrial isotope such as Cobolt and NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials) such as K-40...your basic table salt. For more advanced detection of Uranium and Plutonium, the company offers an expanded library that combines gamma and neutron detection to make additional confirmations.

Providing a simple to use search mode makes nuclear spectroscopy possible for a larger number of users. To learn more about the SAM 940 and Berkeley Nucleonics please follow the link below

BNC SAM 940 --